How does Derm by Erica do mole or skin tag removal?
Derm by Erica removes moles and skin tags in the Los Angeles, California area. We specialize in melanated skin and use a device to treat imperfections with high frequency energy.
The device is called the SIIT Pro. The SIIT Pro was developed by esthetician Bianca Edwards. Bianca found a gap in the Esthetic market and decided to focus her efforts on treating melanated skin. She now runs Beauty EQ, aimed at esthethician education.
The SIIT Pro device uses high frequency to treat raised skin imperfections, especially on Fitzpatrick scale skin 3-6. Within 5-7 days, the problem area will shed from the skin.
The device can treat:
- Cherry Angiomas
- Solar Lentigines
- Sebaceous Hyperplasia
- Skintags
- Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
- Minor Broken Capillaries
Book your skin tag or mole removal at our spa in Los Angeles, California.